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Read Diamond Key International's latest news.

Eid Mubarakh!

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The Independent Oil Terminal (IOT) team receives global recognition in the Safety Excellence category.

🔹The terminal facilities was established in 2006, with IOT Management appointed as the operator in...

How Logistics 4.0 Will Transform The Future

Industry 4.0 and Supply Chain Technology

Digital Twin, new technology and implementation of best practices to ensure efficient operations.

DKI Digital Twin has been nominated in the Terminal Innovation category.Omega CTAS has been...

Cloud Terminal Automation System (CTAS) Journey.

Accessible via a web browser from anywhere as authorised, CTAS brings: 

Australia - Head Office

110 Henderson Rd
P.o.Box 2813
Rowville, Victoria 3178
Telephone: +613 9730 8888

Malaysia Office

23, Jalan PJU 3/46
Sunway Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Telephone: +60 3  7496 9238

China Office

Rm 808 Block D JiaHua Building
No 9, 3rd Street ShangDi
HaiDian District
Beijing, China 100085
T: +86 10 6297 1803 / 7663 / 7650

Thailand Office

Suite 403, 4th Floor Tonson Bldg.
50 Soi Tonson,
Ploenchit Road, Patumwan,
Bangkok, Thailand
T: +66 2 652 2617