This video by Pandu Laju, titled "Reveal the road tanker: What's inside a road tanker?" ( beautifully illustrates Shell's four (4) step product quality control process (PQ). Abang Gan makes this complex process simple and easy to understand.
This is reflected in the number of views: 227K views in 10 days.

With Abang Gan's permission, we are pleased to share this video on LinkedIn. Diamond Key International Group's solution can be seen in this video (at minute 4:20) as an integral part of the PQ control process. In this #Malaysia terminal, DKI's Omega5000, PLC, bottom loading skids with additive injectors and blending skids enable:
Precise and consistent dosing of additives during tanker loading.
Allows loading of tank trucks with multiple compartments (pots) and multiple products.
Load at flow rates of 1800-2400 litres per minute per compartment (pot).
Safely load a 40,000 litres tank lorry in 12-15 minutes.
DKI would like to congratulate Abang Gan and the team at Pandu Laju for this great video.
We have included English subtitles and hope you find this video interesting and give you a better insight:
The process of fuel distribution.
Research and development of fuel additives.
The loading of tank trucks.
How fuel additives and a good PQ process deliver Shell's quality fuels.
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